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173 E. Main St. Suite #2
Rigby, ID, 83442
United States


East Idaho Wedding and Event Center, Studio Rental and Party Venue, Serving Rexburg, Rigby and Idaho Falls area


The Venue - Rigby Idaho, Wedding and Event Center


Nicole Klingler

"A goal without a plan is just a wish." - Antoine De Saint-Exupery

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Planning a wedding is hard work! We forget that it is supposed to be FUN! And in today's technological world it's easy to get lost and not know where to start. Have no fear, The Venue team is here! We can help take away some of the stress of planning. We provide the space and many of the things you'll need to fill it with to make your wedding dreams come true. You'll still have many details to work out, however.  like who the photographer will be and what kind of cake you want. SO......

If you're a list maker this tool will be your best friend! Use this helpful guide to keep you on track --->